The smoker is used to calm the bees by inflating them during inspections.
The queen cage is used for queen production or during swarming.
The LR hive is the most popular type of hive. It is recommended due to standardization and availability of spare parts.
The entrance reducer acts like a comb and prevents bees from leaving the hive during transport, potential chemical poisoning, and similar situations.
The queen bee is a fully developed worker bee that takes care of laying eggs for the reproduction of new bees in the beehive.
Royal jelly is a highly nutritious and expensive food that honeybees consume to become queens.
A bee brush or broom is used to remove bees from a frame without injuring them.
The extension of the Langstroth hive allows new frames to be added to the beehive as needed.
A beekeeper's suit is essential protective gear that shields the beekeeper from bee stings. It is critical that the suit is not damaged, as even a small hole can allow bees to enter and attack the beekeeper.
The worker bee is an incompletely developed bee that does not have the ability to reproduce. It performs all tasks in the hive, including cleaning, nectar intake, water collection, guarding, and more.
The hive stand is the base on which the hive stands and serves as the entrance to the beehive.
The water drinker is used to supply the bees with sufficient amounts of water. It is important to have a water drinker so that the bees do not have to look for water and waste time.
Honeycomb is a bee product created by the secretion of bee wax.
The beeswax foundation consists of honeycombs of a regular shape into which LR frames can fit, on which the bees then build honey.
A drone is a male individual in a bee colony whose exclusive task is to fertilize the queen.